1. Go to hsl.howard.edu, scroll down and click on PubMed, in the upper right corner click on MyNCBI.
2. Register by setting up a username and password.
3. Once you login to MY NCBI, your PubMed search session will be ready to interact with your account for saving search strategies and search results.
4. You can save a list of results from a PubMed search to a "Collection" in your My NCBI account by using the "Send to" menu and selecting "Collections".
5. You will be asked to either add them to an existing collection or create a new one. If you create a new one, you give it a name.
6. Your home screen will now show your updated number of collections.
7. You can save a search strategy and set it up to run on a regular basis and report results to you via email or RSS. You can find your search history under the "Advanced Search" link.
8. Clicking on a search number reveals a pop-up menu. Select "Save in My NCBI" to save the search strategy.
9. You can then name the search and then set parameters for if and how often you want the search to be executed to find new results and how you want the results delivered to you.
10. Your saved search will now appear in your Ny NCBI home menu.
11. The "Preferences" tab allows you to set your My NCBI account preferences and preferences for your PubMed search sessions while you are logged into My NCBI.