Below are a few citations for articles regarding Artificial Intelligence. You may find the information interesting and useful. Just copy and paste its associated URL into a browser to access the full text of the article.
1. Hamet, P., & Tremblay, J. (2017). Artificial intelligence in medicine.
Metabolism: clinical and experimental, 69S, S36–S40 PMID: 28126242.
2. Jabarulla, M. Y., & Lee, H. N. (2021).
A Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence-Based,
Patient-Centric Healthcare System for Combating
the COVID-19 Pandemic: Opportunities and Applications.
Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland), 9(8), 1019 PMID: 34442156
3. Ghai, B., & Mueller, K. (2023). D-BIAS: A Causality-Based
Human-in-the-Loop System for Tackling Algorithmic Bias.
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics,
29(1), 473–482 PMID: 36155458
4. Paton, C., & Kobayashi, S. (2019).
An Open Science Approach to Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare.
Yearbook of medical informatics, 28(1), 47–51. PMID: 31022753
5. Wang, F., & Preininger, A. (2019). AI in Health:
State of the Art, Challenges, and Future Directions.
Yearbook of medical informatics, 28(1), 16–26. PMID: 31419814