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Allied Health Subject Guide: Occupational Therapy

Alerts - Important Information Worth Knowing

Alerts - Important Information Worth Knowing


Top OT Journals

Top OT Database Choices

    • The most comprehensive collection of full text articles from the fields of nursing and allied health, standards of practice, Evidence-Based Care Sheet.
    • Access to hundreds of full-text ebooks by various publishers.
      Create a personal Ebrary account, while on campus, for note taking/highlighting and to manage resources for research and/or share bookshelf content.
    • AccessMedicine from McGraw-Hill Medical is a comprehensive resource for students, residents, nurse practitioners, practicing physicians and assistants. It includes videos, self-assessment tools, leading medical textbooks, practice guidelines, diagnostic tests, quick medical Dx & Rx and integrated drug database, Human Anatomy modules, customizable patient education materials.
    • Physical therapy textbooks, procedure and exercise videos, image galleries, Anatomy & Physiology Revealed, PT lecture series, NPTE review, with more than 2,200 interactive self-assessment questions designed to help users prepare for the NPTE exam.
    • 1000+ textbooks, 500+ journals, practice guidelines, drug info, and 5,000+ patient handouts in English and Spanish. Also includes First Consult, ProceduresConsult, over 13,000 videos and millions of images. You can filter your search results by clinically meaningful subcategories (content type, specialty, disease, and more).
    • OTseeker is a database that contains abstracts of systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials relevant to occupational therapy.

Preparation for the National Board of Occupational Therapy Certification (NBCOT) Exam


National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy  

Exam Handbook 


NBCOT® Occupational Therapy Regulatory Body Contact List by State 

Practice Tests

Study Pack  from nbcot 




$30.00 fee 


OT Dude





ProProfs Quiz Maker - Create Online Quizzes 



Associations and Organizations

Drug Monographs

Anatomy Resources

Artificial Intelligence Spotlight Citations

Below are a few citations for articles regarding Artificial Intelligence in the area of occupational therapy.  You may find the information interesting and useful.  Just copy and paste its associated URL into a browser to access the full text of the article.


1. Song, Chao et al. “The Influence of Occupational Therapy on College Students' Home

Physical Exercise Behavior and Mental Health Status under the Artificial Intelligence Technology.”

Occupational therapy international vol. 2022 8074658. 9 Sep. 2022,

doi:10.1155/2022/8074658.                                                                                                                                                                                                                PMID: 36133575


2. Li, Xiao. “Evaluation and Analysis of Elderly Mental Health Based on Artificial Intelligence.” 

Occupational therapy international vol. 2023 7077568. 9 Feb. 2023, doi:10.1155/2023/7077568                                                                                                PMID: 36817324


3. Hou, Fang. “Echoing Mechanism of Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Occupational Therapy

Education Guidance Based on Artificial Intelligence.” Occupational therapy international

vol. 2022 9115547. 29 Sep. 2022, doi:10.1155/2022/9115547                                                                                               PMID: 36249580


4. Silva, Nelson et al. “The future of General Movement Assessment: The role of

computer vision and machine learning - A scoping review.” 

Research in developmental disabilities vol. 110 (2021): 103854.

doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2021.103854                                                                                               PMID: 33571849               


5. Ferreira, Fernanda M R M et al. “Effect of Robot-Assisted Therapy on

Participation of People with Limited Upper Limb Functioning: A Systematic Review

with GRADE Recommendations.” Occupational therapy international

vol. 2021 6649549. 31 Jul. 2021, doi:10.1155/2021/6649549                                                                                                      PMID: 34393681                                                    

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