AI in Medical Education
GUEST SPEAKER – Janet Corral, Ph.D. (facilitated by Dr. Johmarx Patton)
Director of Evaluation and Research, the Teaching Scholars Program, and Digital Education for the Academy of Medical Educators
University of Colorado
Virtual Reality
GUEST SPEAKER – Janet Corral, Ph.D. (facilitated by Dr. Johmarx Patton)
Director of Evaluation and Research, the Teaching Scholars Program, and Digital Education for the Academy of Medical Educators University of Colorado
Aretz, H. T. (2011). Some thoughts about creating healthcare professionals that match what societies need. Medical Teacher, 33(8), 608-613.
Aretz, H. (2009). Bowe, C. M., Voss, J., & Thomas Case method teaching: an effective approach to integrate the basic and clinical sciences in the preclinical medical curriculum. Medical Teacher, 31(9), 834-841.
Corral, J., Guiton, G., & Aagaard, E. (2017). The Impact of an Academy of Medical Educators on the Culture of an American Health Sciences Campus. Academic Medicine : Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 92(8), 1145-1150.
Flynn, A. J., Patton, J., & Platt, J. (Jan 2015). Tell it Like it Seems: Challenges Identifying Potential Requirements of a Learning Health System. Paper presented at the 3158-3167.
Kononowicz, A. A., Zary, N., Edelbring, S., Corral, J., & Hege, I. (2015). Virtual patients--what are we talking about? A framework to classify the meanings of the term in healthcare education. BMC Medical Education, 15, 1-3.