Many federal agencies, including NIH and NSF, now require a DMP (data management plan) for grant applications. The essential elements of a DMP include a description of the data, metadata, a data storage and sharing plan, preservation and associated legal and ethical issues. This guide is intended to help you learn some basics about DMP and so that you can create one of your own.
The first step in data management is to ask this crucial question: What data will enable me to answer the question I am asking?
For there, you create a data management plan (DMP). Start by jotting down answers to the following questions:
What is the format of the data? How am I going to collect it? How do I control the quality? What is the budget/timeline? How do I ensure the data security? What is Howard's policy? What metadata will I use?
The following resources provide theoretical background and practical tools in data management.
DMP Tools by California Digital Library
NEH-ODH: samples
NIH: sample plans
NIH: genomic data sharing plans
NSF templates
ICPSR: natural sciences examples
If you need assistance with statistical analysis, please contact:
John Kwagyan, Ph.D.
Director, Biostatics Epidemiology & Research Design
Victor Apprey, Ph.D.
Computational Systems Analyst
National Human Genome Center
REDCap is a mature, secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases. Howard is a REDCap member institute.
nosafo@howard.edd; 202-806-3953