Examples of the resources shown below are only accessible with the howard.edu login at hsl.howard.edu.
The complete collection of basic science, clinical medicine, and post-graduate level cases from 23 Case Files® series books by McGraw-Hill.
[CME Credits Available]
1000+ textbooks, 500+ journals, practice guidelines, drug info, and 5,000+ patient handouts in English and Spanish. Also includes First Consult, ProceduresConsult, over 13,000 videos and millions of images. You can filter your search results by clinically meaningful subcategories (content type, specialty, disease, and more).
The Institute is widely regarded as one of the world’s leading providers of evidence–based information from across the globe, as well as the tools that help healthcare professionals implement an effective evidence–based practice programs.
Publications include literature reviews, recommended practices and procedures, information guideline sheets, comprehensive systematic reviews and protocols, consumer information sheets and technical reports.
Several databases : Books@Ovid, Journals@Ovid, AMED, Joanna Briggs Institute EBP, all EBM Reviews (ACP Journal Club, Cochrane databases, Health Technology Assessment, NHS Economic Evaluation database), Medline.
Tutorials and overviews
Evidence Based Medicine Reviews (EBMR) : This video is a review of the unique structure of this database (including the Cochrane resources) and includes an overview of the specific limits, fields and search tips.
[CME Credits Available]
AccessMedicine from McGraw-Hill Medical is a comprehensive resource for students, residents, nurse practitioners, practicing physicians and assistants. It includes videos, self-assessment tools, leading medical textbooks, practice guidelines, diagnostic tests, quick medical Dx & Rx and integrated drug database, Human Anatomy modules, customizable patient education materials. NOTE: McGraw Hill resource login credentials must be updated every 90 days.
The most comprehensive collection of full text articles from the fields of nursing and allied health, standards of practice, Evidence-Based Care Sheet.
APhA's authoritative textbooks, an interactive NAPLEX® Review, a collection of 250 Active Learning Exercises, case studies, the Complete PCOA® Review, FPGEE Review, as well as PharmacotherapyFirst : peer-reviewed resource focused on disease state management and patient care.